速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Cinderella Fairytale Story

Cinderella Fairytale Story



檔案大小:39.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:俄文, 加泰羅尼亞文, 土耳其文, 德語, 法文, 簡體中文, 英語, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙文

Cinderella Fairytale Story(圖1)-速報App

"A classic collection of short stories, undoubtedly the best interactive book with audios of story reading, fun games of coloring pages and jigsaw puzzles.

We offer you the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let you have a fun time. This is one of the stories - Cinderella Fairytale. An interactive book with story reading and educational learning games like coloring and jigsaw puzzles to entertain for hours.

• Choose from the various languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Valencian or Turkish.

Cinderella Fairytale Story(圖2)-速報App

• Read the story: You can listen to the story by pressing the audio button to play the sound. The audio is now available in English, Spanish, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Valencian and Turkish, accompanied by beautiful background music and sound effects.

• Game 1 - Coloring book. You can jump to the coloring pages while reading different scenes of the story, painting and coloring scenes with magic pens and brushes of different colors to paint the image automatically. You can undo or save the image share the picture with your family or friends.

• Game 2 - Jigsaw puzzles of different scenes from the story with three levels of difficulty. Play with interesting jigsaw puzzles while reading different parts of the story and discover the pictures.

Cinderella Fairytale Story(圖3)-速報App


Cinderella Fairytale Story(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad